
Deep fakes
Deep fakes

deep fakes

For instance, Microsoft has announced technologies that can detect manipulated content and assure people that the media they’re viewing is authentic.

deep fakes

And this has also inspired researchers around the world to develop technologies to detect Deepfakes.

#Deep fakes tv#

The technology has disrupted politics, mocked TV shows, targeted influential people, generated blackmail materials, created internet memes and satires – thereby making way to mainstream consciousness. While one forges Deepfakes, the other identifies flaws in the forgery, which are corrected subsequently. In general, Deepfake programs use Generative Adversarial Networks that have two algorithms. Taking all that into consideration, AI can analyse video footage of an individual to extrapolate how they would speak or do something. Individuals have unique faces, voices, figures, expressions, speech patterns and movements. This makes synthetic media a powerful tool that can be weaponized for malicious purposes. Unconvincing fakes of Putin and Zelenskyy was ridiculed by many, but often the realistic nature of such content makes it hard to fact-check. The deepfakes are taken down, but they reveal the role of misinformation in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis. That’s why it’s not surprising to find Vladimir Putin appearing on your screen to declare peace, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy telling his people to surrender. With the technology, one can create realistic videos of, say a celebrity or even a friend, doing and saying things they have not done or said. It is a portmanteau of ‘deep learning’ and ‘fake’. In a world of growing cybersecurity threats, Deepfakes are possibly the most dangerous yet fascinating among the lot. The elaborate fraud came with fake emails to verify the purchase. It was a computer simulation of the director’s voice he was talking to. Something similar happened in 2020 when a Hong Kong-based banker received a call from the director of his company to transfer $35 million for an acquisition. Because, it can be an AI-assisted deep-voice attack. What would you do? To transfer the amount can be a big mistake. The voice on the other side is a person you know well. Consider this: You receive a call from a colleague to transfer a big sum for an apparently-legitimate purpose.

Deep fakes